I’ve made so many posts about Mister International 2007 that it has its own category now! And I’m only a little past halfway done!
Meet Edric Ong. We love him because he knows how to clothe hot men and make them smoulder even more. I just bet he looked at Jong Sung and went, “You’re obviously wearing something that’ll show off that chest.”
As I’m working backwards, we’re in the Fashion Show category now before the top 10 were selected. Ergo, you get all of them here. Enjoy.
Gudiel Osberto Rivera Mansilla of Guatemala: Ok, seriously? I didn’t like his outfit. It looked like a t-shirt with a mat pinned to the chest.
Amr Samaha of Egypt: Amr is the youngest contestant, although he doesn’t look so. Great hair (I have a soft spot for guys with long/long-ish hair), great smile. I didn’t really dig hairy until I met him. Did I just say that aloud?
Nikhil Dhawan of India: I regret never getting around to talking to this guy. He was in my interview list, but things got in the way and it didn’t happen.
Gabriel Goh of Singapore: Gabriel is gonna go Hang Tuah on your ass. And I can spell his name without assistance.
Lawron ‘Lawrence’ Leung of Canada: Holy action shot, Batman.
Alan Martini of Brazil: Another one who must show chestitude whenever possible. Just because.
Bassel Abu Hamdan of Lebanon: He has such pretty eyes. Why do men have prettier eyes while the women have to resort to mascara and eyelash perming?
Oh Jong Sung of Korea: As I was saying, there’s no way anyone with eyes will allow him to cover up that chest when you have a wardrobe full of tops meant to be worn open.
Amila Karunanayake of Sri Lanka: That’s a great colour.
Alberto Garcia of Venezuela: He with the incredible smile.
Aristotelis Spyridon Bolovinos of Greece: Does he not look like Tom Welling when he brushes his hair down like that?
Adib Othman of Malaysia: Wide shoulders = suit of bark.
Raffaele Merico of Italy: A white knight with a floaty scarf.
Armands Berzins of Latvia: Still regal.
Jake Hill of USA: Who really needs to slow down on the catwalk because this is another one I caught later.
That’s all folks. Show’s over… till the next update.
Related Posts
- Mister International 2007
- Mister International 2007 – Evening Wear
- Mister International 2007 – Swimwear
- Mister International 2007 – National Costume

ah, the chestitude!
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hey mr. taN
doNt worry about Not iNterviewiNg me…im sure we would have had a great coNversatioN but No regrets iN life :-D i just waNt to thaNk u for all these posts…i am remiNisciNg of all the good times iN kuchiNg as i look at these pictures…fuN stuff…i had a blast with the ppl of the city aNd the other coNtestaNts…it is defiNitely aN experieNce i will remember for the rest of my life…aNd i defiNitely learNed a lot as well…it would have beeN Nice to me u but hey…maybe Next time :-D
thaNks agaiN
-Nikhil dhawaN (iNdia)
Nikhil: No regrets. :-) All the best to you, and I’m not a mr. XD